
Go! Free Juice Cleanse Program with Juice Up

Hello Foodies! <3

Any of you who follow me on Instagram will know that I recently went on a 3-Day Go! Free Juice Cleanse Program with Juice Up! I often use juices as a replacement for 1 or 2 meals a day but 3 full days was a different experience, it was a challenge to replace all my meals with juices!

Being a foodie, naturally it was hard to resist indulging in good food for 3 whole days. For 3 days, I gave up normal food and drinks (no caffeine or alcohol), and instead drank 6 delicious and huge bottles of Juice Up juices each day!

Juice cleanses are a great way to give your body a break from unhealthy food and helps “re-set” your digestive system. Going on a cleanse can certainly help you feel better both mentally and physically! 🙂

So why did I choose Juice Up? What is so special and unique of Juice Up? Well, here is the answer!

Juice Up put tons of thought and hard work into creating healthy and tasty cold-pressed juices with the perfect combination of fruits and vegetables. Their juices are cold-pressed using powerful hydraulic juicers from USA, which retains a higher amount of vitamins, minerals and enzymes compared to those extracted using regular juices! What’s even better is that these cold-pressed juices are 100% preservative-free, natural and unpasteurized! The challenge is to replace your meals with six juices a day (500ml per bottle). These juices are packed with vitamins and nutrients from the cold-pressed process and they help to flush nasty toxins out of your system. This enables vitamins and enzymes to be retained in fruits and vegetables, compared to the regular juice blenders.

Received these bottles of juices nicely packed in cartons; so excited to start my healthy regime!

I love how brightly coloured these juices are! They look so appetising and when I received it, that I couldn’t wait to try them!

Pre-Cleanse (Some Pointers to Take Note of!)
1. Eat right, eat light – Eat lighter meals before the start of the juice program. Do not overeat!
2. Be prepared, mentally
3. Pick a date, preferably during the weekends where you can physically and mentally rejuvenate your body.
4. Avoid doing the juice program during a time when you might face intense pressure, such as at work or when school assignments are almost due!

Here is a summary of my 3-Day Program:
Day One
I woke up excited to indulge in the juices. I started my day with Go! Sunrise which consists of Cucumber, Lettuce, Spinach, Pear and Orange. It was a refreshing start which perks me up! Second juice which consisted of Green Apple, Beetroot, Carrot, Ginger and Lemon was just as tasty. I was feeling a little bit hungry and was craving for something to munch on so I succumbed to a handful of almonds 🙁 I guess my body was still trying to get used to the juice cleanse and felt tired around 10-ish. Thus, I had an early night on the first day.

Day Two
The juices for day 2 were surprisingly delish! I did not expect them to taste so good and it was a great start to my day. The second day was better, my body was slowly getting used to the cleanse. Pearl, one of the founders of Juice Up dropped me daily messages and tips to encourage me with the process. I appreciate the effort and time they spent guiding me through everything, making sure things were going smoothly. I always look forward to the last juice of the day – a delectable treat made from Almonds, Cashews, MedJool Dates and Filtered Water – It was like a reward for lasting through the entire day.

Day Three was hard, I am not going to lie.
The morning started off pretty well. My energy level was still high. However in the afternoon, I was getting tired of the flavours; the monotony and predictability made me moody. I craved for yummy food and excitement. However, I persevered and TA-DAHHH… I am so proud to have completed the program!!!

It was a challenging process for me but YES! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! After the cleanse, I feel rejuvenated, lighter and much healthier.

It was such an amazing and satisfying experience; this cleanse was a great way to physically and mentally reset my body, and it made me think twice or even thrice before eating unhealthy foods after the cleanse. Juice Up provided daily support and I am extremely satisfied that they were very supportive throughout my juice cleanse journey. Pearl has been very responsive and patient with my questions; she guided me before, during and after my cleanse, and assisted me to complete the entire journey. Thumbs up to their customer service, it was excellent! Moreover, Juice Up provides free delivery for all its Juice Cleanse Programs. So foodies what are you waiting for? Time to free your system with these irresistibly great tasting Juice Up juices!

Thank you Juice Up for sponsoring me this juice cleanse program. Indulging in good food is an enjoyment for every foodie but remember to detox once a year!

Contact Number: +65 9732 3903

With lots of love,
Xue Wei

Xue Wei
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AboutXue Wei

A foodie at heart, Xue Wei’s passion for food and travel translates to her daily snippets of her affairs on this website and Instagram. She enjoys quality family time and hopes to fulfil her dream to travel around the world with her loved ones.

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