Food Recipes

Gâteau au Chocolat (2-ingredients Chocolate Cake) Recipe

I started baking recently and I realised how I much I love baking!
Gâteau au Chocolat which means chocolate cake in French, has become one of my favourite things to bake.
I have been baking 2 ingredients chocolate cake for several times as it is such a simple recipe!
As the name suggested, it only requires 2 ingredients yet it still turned up amazing.
This lady, Ochikeron who I have been following on Youtube (Link: She makes amazing bentos, cakes, soups, breads and many many more!

Gâteau au Chocolat

Processed with VSCOcam with s2 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with s2 preset

3 eggs
3 bars of chocolate (165g = 5.8o.z)


  1. Separate the eggs and place the egg whites in a large bowl
  2. Place the egg whites in the fridge as it makes the meringue more stable (It takes some time for the egg whites to turn cold when I put in the fridge so I would put in the freezer for a few minutes and it turned out as cold!)
  3. Break the chocolate into pieces and place them in a large bowl
  4. Preheat the oven to 170C (330F)
  5. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler over water
  6. Mix chocolate until smooth and let chocolate cool down
  7. Whip egg whites with an electric mixture until firm peaks form (It MUST be  thick enough– mixture would not slide out when you turn the bowl upside down)
  8. When the chocolate has cooled, add egg yolks and mix with a whisk
  9. Add 1/3 of the meringue (it is from the egg whites) into the chocolate batter and blend well with a whisk
  10. Add another 1/3 of meringue and blend
  11. Add the rest of the meringue and mix well with a spatula (I use a big spoon instead)
  12. Line 15cm (6inch) baking paper/ parchment paper on a round cake pan
  13. Pour the batter into the pan
  14. Drop the pan lightly for a few times on the table to raise the air bubbles out of the batter
  15. Bake at 170C (330F) in the oven for 30 to 40 minutes (I baked between 33 to 35 minutes)
  16. Allow the cake to cool off
  17. Dust with icing sugar using a sift (Decoration purposes for me!)
  18. Done 🙂 and ENJOY!!!

Recipe adapted from Ochikeron, view the original recipe at Gâteau au Chocolat Recipe.
Modified by AnAffairwithFood.

Hope you enjoyed! <3

With lots of love,
Xue Wei

Xue Wei
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AboutXue Wei

A foodie at heart, Xue Wei’s passion for food and travel translates to her daily snippets of her affairs on this website and Instagram. She enjoys quality family time and hopes to fulfil her dream to travel around the world with her loved ones.


  1. Hi. May I know what is the size of the baking pan you used? Also, did you have to grease the pan or anything? Thank you

    1. Hi there, firstly, thank you for reading my blog 🙂 Sorry but for baking pan do you mean the cake pan? If so it is 6 inch. And no, you don’t need to grease the pan. The steps on this post is all you have to follow! 🙂 Do look out for new posts soon, should be in less than 2 weeks after my exams! Meanwhile, do follow my blog for updates, take care!

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